• Temperature Gauge [(-) 50⁰c to 250⁰c]
  • Zone calibration of Deep Freezer, Refrigerator, Incubator, Autoclave, Air Oven, Temperature Bath, Chamber (multi position with minimum 9 sensors) [(-) 50⁰c to 300⁰c]
  • Liquid Glass Thermometer [(-) 50⁰c to 250⁰c]
  • RTD with/ without indicator/Temperature Controller. [(-) 80⁰c to 400⁰c]
  • Thermocouple with/ without indicator/Temperature Controller. [(-) 80⁰c to 1200⁰c]
  • Digital Thermometer with Sensor [(-) 80⁰c to 1200⁰c]
  • Temperature Indicator/Controller with Sensor of "Deep Freeze/ Refrigerator/Block Furnace / Bath "(Single Position) [(-) 80⁰c to 1200⁰c]