- Dig. Temp. Controller of Hot air Oven (0-250°C)
- Flakiness Gauge
- Elongation Gauge
- Mortar Mould
- Digital Penetrometer
- Weighing Balance
- Volume Glasswares (Cylinder, Beakers & Flask)
- Glass Thermometer
- Digital Thermo hygrometer
- Test Seive (wire & Perforated)
- Dial Gauge
- Vernier Caliper
- Sieve Shaking Machine (Timer)
- Dig. Temp. Controller of Water Bath
- Specific Gravity bottle
- Pycnometer
- Digital Thermometer With sensor
- Penetration Mould
- Proctor Mould
- CBR Mould
- Compaction Hammer (Light & Heavy)
- Moisture Meter
- pH meter
- Tds Meter
- Enamel Tray
- Los Angless abrasion test Machine
- Pan Mixer Machine
- Cube Moulds
- Beam Mould
- Swell Test Apparatus
- AIV with Strock (Mould)
- Wire Basket for density
- Vicat Needle
- Mordar Vibrating Machine
- CTM Machine
- Slump Cone
- Ductility Appsaratus (Scale & Temp.)
- Softening Point (Temperature)
- Timer & stopwatch
- Bottle & Flask
- Proving Ring