• Measuring Cylinder, Volumetric Flask, Conical Flask, Beaker, Pycnometer, Sp.Gr. Bottle, Nessler Tube (1 to 2000 ml)
  • Pipette (Graduated & Non Graduated) [0.1 ml to 100 ml]
  • Burette [1 ml to 100 ml]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class I and Courser, Readability 0.01mg) [1 mg to 82 g]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class I and Courser, Readability 0.1mg) [>82 g to 220 g]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class I and Courser, Readability 1mg) [>220 g to 1020 g]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class II and Courser, Readability 10 mg ) [>1020 g to 3000 g]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class II and Courser, Readability 0.1g) [>3000 g to 30 kg]
  • Electronic Weighing Balance (Class II and Courser, Readability 1 g) [>30 kg to 100 kg]
  • Weight & Weight set (1 mg to 200 g) [Class F1 & Coarser]
  • Loose Weights(500g, 1 kg, & 2 kg) [Class F2 & Coarser]
  • Loose Weights (5 kg, 10 kg & 20kg) [Class M1 & Coarser]